If you want to make good olive oil, you will first make a good olive grove.

The reason I set out with this idea; I learned from my family's olive growing experience and olive oil production knowledge from many years; I was sure that when the olive trees, which you started to take care of, starting from the soil, combined with proper cultivation, harvesting and processing, will come out with an extremely elaborate, delicious olive oil.

Ulivetoida olive oils are produced from a single olive grove.
Our aim is to be sure of the quality of each olive grain from which we extract olive oil.

The geography where our garden is located, on the ridges of Kaz mountains known as Oxygen storage and our gains from the height above sea level;

Its geographical location is suitable for growing quality olives.

There is no industrial facility around it.

The wind and sun it receives makes the taste of olive oil even more beautiful.

Olive oil varies according to the type, taste, color and odor of the olives, the region where it is grown and the degree of maturity when it is collected.

We collect our olives in September and October with the women and children of our village.

All of our care is to create a quality product that will not be forgotten.


We squeeze our Early Harvest olives without any delay after they are collected, within the same day, under cold pressing conditions, under hygienic conditions, not exceeding 22 degrees. Since the pressing process is an important process that reveals the quality of olive oil, we follow it carefully without leaving the beginning.

Our olive oils, which are left to rest in our nitrogen steel tanks in an air conditioning environment of 18 degrees, are bottled without filtering after a one-month rest period. Its color is different and its appearance is not clear compared to other olive oils due to the fact that it is not filtered.